It's not that I've been idle, I've been pretty busy in the sewing room: 8 tops completed, 9 & 10 are on the design door, 11 & 12 are a stack of parts by my machine.

Most of the completed tops are small nursing home lap quilts & a child's quilt or 2 -- very worthwhile endeavors -- 'de-stashing', taking fabrics I no longer care for & turning them into nice quilts that will warm the body & soul. I've also been working on a mini swap quilt -- sewing for someone else is so valuable, such a learning & growing experience to work in another person's style & colors (in spite of what some people might think).

I've just not been, well, inspired.
I'm trying to stir my coals by looking antique & vintage quilts, pulling a few of my go-to books from my library, pulling intriguing stacks of fabric. A big pile of beloved indigos might be flying geese or hounds-tooth (hounds-teeth?); my Dad's shirts would go nicely with some recently acquired linens; a variety of long-hoarded fabrics might come together in some sort of medallion; my & my Mom's dresses might come together in a newly learned technique; and then there's .....
Fellow traveler here....My husband asks what is going on.. I tell him that I have "ennui"!! Ha! And sewing for others to clear the mind. Somehow Kaffe's book, Shots and Stripes found its way to my mailbox via Amazon..My heart started beating faster.....Passion, it just comes..U cannot make it happen.
I think sometimes, at least for me, my spirit is just quiet. I will sew sew sew like sprinting, but sometimes I just want to sit or be slow.
looks like a great year so far! but i understand the ennui. been pushing myself to try to like to sew so far. oy.
here's hoping you find your mojo!
You may not feel inspired, but you're sure getting a lot done! I am in a similarly low-inspired place, but I'm not nearly as productive as you! I think inspiration just waxes and wanes. Something inside is brewing, waiting to take shape. Something new, something different. We just have to wait and see. Meanwhile, you're making way for it to pop open!
I understand the feeling. I have some WIPS fo wrhich I'm trying to feel some excitement.
That's all part of the process... at least you're still sewing and clearing the decks for the moment when inspiration hits.
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