Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Trees & the Forest

I've never been overly fond of Special Occasion quilts. You know, Birthday Quilts, Halloween Quilts, Quilts for Hanukkah or Christmas. Now I don't mean *gifts* for these occasions, but quilts that are just brought out for display at these times -- fine for someone else, just not for me.

That being said, since mid-November I have been OBSESSED with the thought of making a tree quilt. I suppose trees can be for year-round & the kind of trees I've been about are as much about triangles as about the trees. But, The Tree Quilt I've been pining for is one with pointy green to blue-green trees on a frosty white background, maybe with a few touches of red & gold -- pretty darn Christmas-y, huh?

So, with a template I hadn't yet used & a deep dig in my stash that produced a dozen or so old, blender-y, tree-ish-colored fabrics, a hoarded paisley white-on-white & 3 red & gold fat quarters -- I'm on my way to a Christmas Tree Quilt!

Truth be told, this is my second tree quilt. I made one for my parents for Christmas back in 1993 -- it was loved & admired & proudly shown off, but was never used (the "save it for Good" mentality, don't you know). Now that my parents are both gone, the quilt is back in my home. It's a big one! And finally in use on our guest bed.


Nifty Quilts said...

Ooh, I love your two-tone trees. Modern and "retro" at the same time. Looks like you need to be skillful in the fabric choices to get just the right dimensional look. And your old tree quilt--sweet! I'm not much of a holiday quilt person either. I like to look at them, but I've only made one. Which, by the way, I've forgotten to get out this season. Oops! Is my 'bah-humbug' showing?

amy and the bad cats said...

both tree quilts are excellent!

Rachaeldaisy said...

Beth, Your Christmas forest is looking wonderful. I really like the clean sharp lines of the trees against the white snow background. It's always a good feeling to use a template you haven't used yet. And your earlier Tree Quilt is beautiful too, I love it when you show one of your older quilts. Have fun in the forest!