Saturday, June 04, 2011

Shoulder to the wheel, nose to the grindstone.

Why do I always have to exaggerate?!?

But this has been, is still, a big job. A while back, I blogged this diatribe-ish screed about not liking when people calculate the hours spent to make their quilt. Well, in true do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do fashion, I have calculated approximately how long the quilting will take: at X minutes per block times 42 blocks, that's Y minutes!, divided by 60, that's Z hours!!! But, I will keep the totals to myself. (Manda, you are sworn to secrecy!)

Anyway, I am 6/7th done. I hope to have an image of a finished quilt by the end of the weekend.

 back with quilting

For fun, Shug and I saw Stitched this week. It is a locally made, independent documentary about quilting, quilters, quilt shows, competitive quilting and I highly recommend it. Specifically, it follows Caryl Bryer Fallert, Hollis Chatelain and Randall Cook. We see a bit of how they began making quilts and the creative process that goes into their quilts. The film is made at the International Quilt Festival here in Houston and at the American Quilter's Society show in Paducah, Kentucky. There is quite a bit about traditional quilting versus art quilting, apparently something of a controversy--who knew! I particularly liked seeing all three of the featured quilters and their quilting process, since that is something I am struggling with right now.
If it is showing near you, see it. Or you can buy a dvd from their web site. Or do both!


Dan R said...

The quilting looks great on the back! Worth every minute.

Manda said...

LOL! I'll never tell :)
I'm loving that quilting though!

Rachaeldaisy said...

You're quilting looks amazing!!!You can't help count the hours when you're stiching around in half circles. Love that backing fabric. Thanks for the heads up about the film. I might look into buying it so I can share it around.

Bry said...

LOVE the quilting Bethers! And that backing fabric is fabulous!