Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Weekend -- At Last

This past week, I drove more than 1000 miles & spent almost 21 hours behind the wheel. Last Sunday, my drive home was a little over 800 miles, taking about 13.5 hours. My round trip from home to work & back is almost exactly 50 miles & takes (if I'm lucky) about 45 minutes each way. (Shug & I carpool, but because my work is farther from home than his, I am nearly always the driver.)

I was tired of driving & just plain tired.

I was ready for the weekend!

I had things I needed to get done -- housework-y things: laundry, dusting, vacuuming, errands. 
And there was LOTS I wanted to get done in my sewing room. (I don't know why, but I just can't seem to call *my* room, dedicated to *my* quilting, my *Studio*. What is the deal with that!?!) 

I cut & stitched on the binding to my Stitch in Color quilt; I've decided to name it "Lucky" -- I'll explain why when I reveal the finished quilt. 

which is the front, which is the back?

I cut out some bibs to make for Bibs for Babies.


I stitched some on my Low Volume project -- I love it SO much. I did some fabric pulling & fabric stacking & a bit of fabric cutting for the Streak of Lightning QAL. (Two VERY different projects!)

quiet & loud

I tried to figure out what went wrong with Shug's shirt. I got it mostly assembled while I was away, but notches & dots weren't matching up & now the collar & lapels look insane. Seems I tried to put the boys' size collar on the men's size shirt. grrr 

I meant to take a nap, but never really found the time.


Nifty Quilts said...

Your streaks are looking fantastic! Sounds like you'll have to cut up his shirt and use it in a quilt. Ah, too bad.

Karamat said...

Your projects look great!!

I can't call it my studio either... I usually call it the office since that's what we used the room for until about 6 months ago.

Jodi said...

too bad you didn't get a nap - sometimes it feel sooo good. Love your WIPs on your design wall. And if I had to do all that driving I would never make it - I tend to fall asleep at the wheel after 15 minutes!

Sujata Shah said...

Haha.. I thought the same thing as LeeAnn. Oh darn, you are going to have to use up that shirt!
The zigzag blocks are looking great!
By the way, that was a lot of driving. We went to Chicago from here once. 12 hours is just way too much.

Julia Wood said...

Sujata told me about your QAL - I'm in. I'm making a block per day.

beth said...

That's an AWFUL lot of driving! So glad the weekend LAST! ;) Your projects are all so inspiring!

Rachaeldaisy said...

That much driving would wear me out!! You did well to get so much done!! Your lightnings look great, the zebra really works well. What size are you doing your triangles/squares? I'll be starting this week I hope and my plan for next weekend to to sew sew sew lots of zig zag lightning blocks!!