I don't really remember any details of being taught, mostly I remember the products: Pepper's skirt & blouse (I remember learning the lazy daisy embroidery stitch, being fascinated by the name), a dirndl skirt made with Black Watch plaid (another intriguing name). It feels like I've always sewn, the lessons were so easy & effortless that they didn't feel like learning.

I do recall the times I was sewing on my own, when I would hit some "tragic" snag -- a badly done zipper, an eased seam that wouldn't fit, an accidentally snipped hole. I would be ready to ball it up & put it in the trash, probably did this more than once. But my Mom would gather up my project & patiently, methodically fix my failure & return it to me as good as new or nearly so.
She was never a quilter, so I don't know that she would have been able to fix my latest failure.
I finally finished my Denyse Schmit's Florence top, pieced together a back & was ready to sandwich & baste. I usually do this outside but it had threatened rain all day. I usually do this early in the day but by the time I had gotten the top & back ready it was evening. I usually have Shug help me but he was busy with his own stuff so I didn't ask. So I did it on my own, a little tired, in a cramped space & ended up with a bubble-y, pleat-y mess. I wadded it up & walked away.

Had it not been 8:00 Sunday evening, I would have called Goodwill to come get all my fabric & machines because I was FINISHED with quilting.
A new day brought a clearer head. I not-so-patiently (patience: not my strong suit), methodically & with Shug's help fixed my failure. ('Good as new' remains to be seen.)

I miss her like crazy but my Mom is still teaching me.
Aw....sending hugs...
I can completely relate! I've hidden away/tossed out my fair share of projects that didn't work out like I wanted them to. So glad you didn't send it off to Goodwill... I know the final quilt will be fantastic!
Aw, I know what you mean. My grandmother was the one who helped me through my sewing hurdles. Wish I could've come over and helped you with this one! Glad your Shug was willing and able.
Oh. Yes. That would cause me to long for my mother as I've faced that experience many times looking to my mother to help me. Glad Shug was there to help you out. Hugs.
Your quilt looks great! I love the pattern.
I feel your pain...my Grand'mere taught me also and I could sure use her these days...I am totally triangle challenged it seems! Hang in, it will turn out to be wonderful in the end. Hugs Julierose
Goodness, yes. I understand. {{hugs}}
It's so good Shug helps you baste. The good side is that it brought to mind those memories of your mother helping you. Those are precious, special memories!
Many times I feel the moment I am in is the worse EVER, but that passes and clouds clear. I am glad it happens to you too. I wouldn't want you to be done with quilting.
Mom has taught me so many things! Still does, like you said.
Hang in there! Quilt away.
I'm glad it was Sunday and you couldn't call Goodwill - that would be a tragedy :-) Nice to have sewing memories of your Mom. And what an adorable little doll outfit!
Oh those warning signs . . . and the "I'm going to get this done now" thoughts . . . and the remorse when it doesn't go well . . . UNIVERSAL and well understood by lots of us.
Very glad the morning arrived and you were able to re-group. Why is it so hard to listen to those voices in our heads, the ones telling us what we know to be true but don't want to hear right then ??
ugh, pain in the ass. My mom was a teacher by profession and good at it, but she was terrible at explaining home skills that she knew so well she didn't even have to think about them. So I mostly learned to sew clothes by doing a straight stitch on something and then quitting... hee hee hee. So I never learned (or cared enough) to sew clothes but that sewing in a straight line works for quilting! Mom and I got enthused about quilting at pretty much the same time. Miss her like crazy.
Ha! A friend of mine had a meltdown like that once and really did wad it up and throw it in the trash ... She fished it back out after she cooled down :)
Ha! A friend of mine had a meltdown like that once and really did wad it up and throw it in the trash ... She fished it back out after she cooled down :)
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