Friday, December 03, 2010

First Blog Post

mom's quilt
Originally uploaded by smazoochie
I spent several hours today machine quilting this quilt.
It would have been simpler had I decided to do some simple, over-all lines. Instead, I (foolishly) chose to outline all of the shapes in the quilt: the stars, the squares, the parallelograms. It is going faster than I thought it would but I am only about half way done and my shoulders ache (lots of twisting and stuffing the whole quilt (fortunately is is fairly small) through the arm of my machine).

The quilt is for my Mom. It should look pretty in her room at the nursing home. I just hope that she'll use it and not hide it so that it won't be 'stolen'.

It must be cocktail time somewhere. Wait, it's cocktail time here!

1 comment:

Bry said...

I think she will love it! It looks very calming and sweet!

And yay for starting your blog!