Monday, January 03, 2011

A new year

I hope everyone had a merry and happy holiday and that all of your handmade gifts were well received!

I've been looking back at the old year and making plans for the new one--quilt-wise that is. I usually make a list of quilts that I think I would like to make in the coming year. My list for 2010 was a short one, only five quilts, but just two on the list were even touched on. One is a top (see "emily" in on my flickr page) and the other is just a stack of blocks. In my defense, the rapid decline in my Mom's physical and mental health kind of trumped *everything*. And I did get several other quilts started and even finished some.

I want to get these quilt tops finished, especially the yellow one:


I want to get these tops quilted and finished:

to quilt

I want to make these fabrics into New Wave quilts:

new waves

And I am very excited about this. I spent much of New Year's Day cutting strips for it.


And the usual--lose weight and get healthy!
Best wishes and good luck to everyone!


Bry said...

You are smart to make a to do list! I have thought about it because I have so many tops and wip's to work on, but I do so love starting new ones! LOL!

Rachaeldaisy said...

I should do a list. My resolution was to finish all my half finished tops before I started any new ones, but I couldn't help myself and started my Sherbet Pips Quilt. :) You've got some great quilts going on at your house!! I look forward to seeing them progress.

Rachaeldaisy said...

Also, I love your blog/flickr name!!! The story about how it came to be is great too!! And thanks for all your lovely comments on my flickr photos. I must admit I'm really bad at keeping my photos up to date but my other resolution this year is to be more active on flickr. Let's hope I can keep that resolution :) .